how to fix google classroom file attachment or upload issue.


Google classroom file and image uploading issue on ios. here's the fix 

Recently many reports are coming regarding google classrooms. many iOS device users report that, while trying to upload or attach their assignments file to Google Classroom, the option is not available Instead, 

how to fix google classroom file attachment or upload  issue.
Source : googleclassroom

the interface would only offer options to upload images or add links. So if they want to upload a PDF directly to Google Classroom from their device, they can’t do it.

Here are some reports of user experience.

Unable to attach files to assignments

When I tap the “Add Attachment” button the upload file icon seems to have been changed to upload photos. It makes me unable to attach files that aren’t images from my iPad to assignments.


While a section of users are facing problems with uploading images. while trying to upload an image, all they get is a ‘couldn’t attach drive file’ error message.


Fix 1- 

No need to worry right now we have a temporary workaround for you.

Basically, you have to upload the file to Google Drive, and then attach it to Google Classroom from Drive.


official acknowledged 

A google member said on this issue.

This issue has been reported to the team and we’re waiting for a reply. Background: This is not being experienced by all users.


we’re keeping a continuous tab on all related developments, and will update this page with relevant info as and when we come across any. So in case, you’re encountering the problem discussed here, stay hooked for updates


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