MyFitnessPal issue app not working, and sync issue with fitbit.


Thanks to apps like MyFitnessPal, keeping track of your exercises and diet has become easier than ever since all it takes are a few taps on the screen.

The MyFitnessPal app is available on Android and iOS and users can also access it through the dedicated website.

Unfortunately, it now seems that MyFitnessPal is not working as users have begun storming Twitter to report that they are unable to login or create an account.

Sync issue with fitbit

Fitbits are immensely popular fitness or activity tracker wearables. A fitbit helps you to stay fit and motivated by keeping a real-time track of your daily activity, exercise, food, weight and sleep. It’s a handy gadget that’s most commonly seen nowadays.

But for past few days, fitbit users are encountering sync or pairing related issues. A humongous number of complaints can be seen posted across micro-blogging site Twitter as well as the company’s official help forum.

While some say they aren’t able to update despite an update being flashed, others say they are encountering sync issues after updating. Some also report not being able to login to their accounts.

Some users are having issues syncing Fitbit or any other smartwatch with the MyFitnessPal app. As per reports  users say that their smartwatch is showing wrong calorie data and step counts.

Meanwhile, MyFitnessPal support says that they are aware of this issue and are currently working on a fix.

official troubleshooting step.

Fitbit sync issue with MyFitnessPal:

Verify Your Fitbit and MyFitnessPal Accounts Are Linked

First, make sure MyFitnessPal and Fitbit have successfully connected. You can verify the connection on our full website at . Once you are logged in to the site, click the main "Apps" tab. On the right-hand edge of that page you should see "Your Apps" and underneath,  Fitbit should be listed. If Fitbit is not showing in Your Apps, click on Fitbit in the list of partner apps, and click the "Connect" option.

Verify that your Fitbit watch/app is syncing with

The next thing we'll need to determine is whether the sync issue is occurring between your FitBit/Computer/ or between and MyFitnessPal.

The key thing to note is that once your FitBit data reaches (not your Fitbit app), it should update the MyFitnessPal site within fifteen minutes.

So the question is, does your FitBit successfully upload its data to FitBit's website?


If you are unable to sync your Fitbit device to the Fitbit dashboard, please contact Fitbit support directly at

If the sync on the dashboard is recent, you can verify the sync has occurred by comparing your last Fitbit dashboard information to that shown in the adjustment explanation. Under the Fitbit Calories Burned, you should see in parenthesis "based on x amount of calories at x time". It is that information that should match your last Fitbit dashboard sync. 

Still Not Syncing?

If you do not see any line for Fitbit, or any number including a zero in the adjustment area, then there may still be a problem.  If you've already waited a few hours, you can then try following relinking steps to see if they help.

Go to our main website at, then to the Apps tab, then find Fitbit on the right, click on it and then disconnect.

Next, log into your Fitbit account at, click the gear icon, then settings, next click Applications, then Click the blue 'Revoke Access' button and revoke access for MyFitnessPal

It's important to make sure Fitbit has been disconnected on both MyFitnessPal and Fitbit

Once disconnected, please wait 15 minutes

Go back to website (not the Fitbit or MFP app) and relink your Fitbit device via the main Apps tab, or

Once you have reconnected, go back to the Apps tab online and make sure Fitbit is now showing on the right hand side of the page under Your Apps

Finally, select Fitbit as your Step Source under the Steps section of the app to enable the sync.

At this point if you are not seeing information transfer automatically, please email our support team at for additional .

Getting Steps But No Fitbit Adjustment

  • Basic Adjustment Explanation

  • "Negative" Adjustments

  • A Deeper Dive


Basic Adjustment Explanation

If you are seeing a step count and a 0 for the adjustment, then you have not yet earned an adjustment.

The adjustment is actually not based on your step count, but instead based on your entire activity for the day. The step count is there as an incentive and though it does contribute to part of your activity level, it's not the sole contributor.

Therefore x amount of steps does not mean you will receive x amount of extra calories.

The way the adjustment is derived is by comparing your total calories burned from your tracker against the total calories already provided by MyFitnessPal.

When you have earned more calories than MyFitnessPal has already provided, you will then see the difference as your adjustment.

Fitbit does not send your activity to MyFitnessPal as a series of separate cardio exercises. Rather, Fitbit monitors your activity all day long, and calculates the calories your movements are burning.

At MyFitnessPal, we already have an estimate of the amount of calories you will need for the day, based on your profile information, and the general activity level you selected (lightly active, very active, etc). When Fitbit tells us how many calories you are on track to burn by the end of the day, MyFitnessPal updates your calorie goal to keep you on track for your targeted weight loss (or weight gain).

This update appears in your diary as a Calorie Adjustment. The details of the adjustment's calculation can be viewed online by clicking the "i" on the adjustment line, or within the app by tapping on the adjustment. It's important to understand that this adjustment will increase or decrease over the course of the day, if you are more or less active. A period of high activity will result in an increase to your adjustment. If this is followed by a restful period, your next sync will lower your adjustment. To get the most accurate total, it is important to wear and sync your Fitbit as much as possible through the course of the day. It is also important to sync later in the evening, as your evening calculation will be the most precise, because it contains the most recorded activity data. At first you may find that your adjustment drops unexpectedly overnight. This is because of inactivity and sleep in the last hours of the day. You'll soon become accustomed to these small variations. We recommend aiming to come in slightly below your food goal in your last meal, as your adjustment may decrease a bit by the time the day ends at midnight.

For a more in depth explanation of how a calorie adjustment works in MyFitnessPal, we'd recommend checking out our Calorie Adjustment FAQ page.


"Negative" Adjustments

By default MyFitnessPal will only add calories to your calorie goal, based on increased activity from Fitbit. However, for even more accuracy, you may opt to let Fitbit remove calories from your goal, if you are less active than usual. If you do not opt in to these "negative" calorie adjustments, you may see a "zero" adjustment in your diary for part of the day. The zero indicates that we are receiving calorie data from Fitbit, but tells you that you have not yet been active enough to earn more calories than your baseline MyFitnessPal food goal.

If you would like to allow for the negative adjustment option (which may take away calories from your MyFitnessPal goal until you increase your activity during the day) you can do so by visiting our full website at in a web browser. Once you're logged in, click "Settings" then "Diary Settings" and check the "Enable Negative Adjustments" checkbox. Please make sure to update the change at the bottom of the page.

If you're not sure if you should turn on Negative Adjustments, this article contains some advice on the subject


A Deeper Dive

A more complex understanding of the adjustment is this. When you first join MyFitnessPal, we ask you for your weight, height, age, gender, and your daily activity level. We then use all this information to provide you with your daily goals based on the information you provided. However, since these goals are based on an "average" activity level, the goal is an estimate. The MyFitnessPal calorie goal is accurate enough to allow you to meet your weight management goals, but since we don't track your every movement, we can't update your goal unless you log manual exercise.

The Fitbit is designed to give you a more precise account for your personal daily activity level. When you originally choose your activity level on MyFitnessPal, you may think that you are an "active" person. MyFitnessPal will then automatically give you goals based on what an average active person may burn through the course of the day. However, if you are wearing a Fitbit, that average may change based on your actual activity level. You may not be as active as an average person, or you may be more active.

If you are not as active as the original activity level you chose, then you will see a zero adjustment, unless you have opted in to Negative Adjustments, in which case you'll see calories removed from your daily goal.

For example, MyFitnessPal may have given you a daily goal of 1700 calories based on your profile information, but activity recorded by your Fitbit may result in a projection that you will only burn 1600 by the end of the day. MyFitnessPal will now either give you no adjustment and keep your calories at 1700, or if you chose to allow negative adjustments, it will deduct 100 calories from your daily goal to bring your goal in line with data from Fitbit.

At this point if you still have any questions about your Fitbit adjustment, please email our support team at and we'd be happy to take a closer look.


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