Jackbox games down or not working issue acknowledged


We understand service outages or breakage are pretty common. But when an outage ends up concerning a massive user base, it becomes worth highlighting. Something similar is happening with Valorant as of writing this.

For the past some time, a proliferation of reports saying Jackbox Games is down or servers are down are populating the online discussion platform Twitter. Take a look at what some of the complainants have to say:


 can't play any games right now... it gives the error "room not found"

Tried on Steam and PS4, but no luck. Figured I'd mention it in case you guys didn't know


Down detector also conveys Jackbox games is going through a rough patch in some regions as can be seen in the live outage  below:

Downdetector link

As it turns out, Jackbox Games seems to be aware and is currently investigating the issue. However, they did not share any information on when the service will be up and running once again.

We’re aware of the issues with connecting to our games and currently looking into it. Thanks for your patience!


We hope the developers are able to restore the service as soon as possible since many are unable to trade on the platform.


Connectivity issues should be fixed now. Enjoy your game night!


Rest assured, we will be keeping tabs on the developments on this one and update this space as and when we come across new information so make sure you keep checking.

If your game is having trouble making and maintaining a connection to our servers, here are a few common solutions you can try:

Close the game down and reopen it

Uninstall the game and then reinstall it

Turn your Console, Computer, or Set-top box off for 1-2 minutes, then turn it back on

Reboot your router


If you are using a computer, you may need to disable your antivirus software and/or your firewall to allow your game to connect to the internet. And If your antivirus software has already quarantined your game, you’ll need to go into that antivirus’s settings and un-quarantine it.


If none of those steps work, make sure that the following ports are open on your firewall and router (if playing any game aside Pack 7): 80, 443, 843, 38202, 38203. Note that The Jackbox Party Pack 7 does not use the high numbered ports 843, 38202 and 38203, it just uses 80 and 443 if it's the game being affected. 


You can test the status of those ports here: http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/


To open those ports on your firewall, reference this article. Choose your OS from the drop-down menu: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/7842

To open those ports on your router, google or web search the brand of router you have. You should find straightforward instructions on how to access that brand of router’s administration page, and how to open ports while you’re there.


Additionally, try getting onto or off a VPN if you have one in use or no other steps apply. 

You can also try switching between a wired ethernet and wireless wi-fi connection (as well as try setting up a new wi-fi network, too).


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