How to fix Elden Ring Dragon communion Altar not working


Elden Ring is a two time award winning action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware. In the Elen Ring Church of Dragon Communion Altar looks to be simple at first glance. The Dragon Communion Altar should offer you three items when you activate it viz Dragonfire, Dragonclaw, and Dragonmaw. Dragon Altar activates when Examined with Dragon heart in your inventory.  

But recently many players are reporting that   the Elden Ring Dragon Altar is not working. Player has a dragon heart, yet when I examine the altar nothing happens. The Dragon Alter is not getting activated even when the player has Dragon heart.  Not sure if it is a bug in the game or intended behavior but is causing lots of trouble to the players. Please read the article to try a possible workaround to fix the issue.

How to Fix Elden Ring Dragon communion altar not working : PC/ Xbox/ PS 4


Fix : grace/fast travel

If  Dragon Altar is not activating in the game for you then there is a workaround which is to just touch a grace/fast travel and it will work.

Fix : Visit at specific Time

As per some reports in order to activiate Dragon Altar. Don’t visit it when it is raining.   Try visiting it when there’s no rain and see if the Dragon Altar will work then.  While some players suggest that you need to examine and visit the Dragon Altar at night in order for it to work.

 Fix : Try again

The issue could be an issue with the Game or some bug in the system. Try quitting and restarting the game, or visiting the Church of Dragon Communion Altar again and again. Many things in the Elden Ring seemingly don’t work, but they fix themselves when you visit them again.


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