Instagram is showing old 2022 posts on the feed


Instagram seems to be having few problems and amid this people revealed they have been seeing old 2022 posts on their feed. However, there is nothing to worry about.

On May 25 night, several people revealed they were facing problems with the app. Some reported that their messages were not working while the others noted that filters were not functioning as they do.

Undoubtedly, people were not happy about it. However, as always, many decided to flood Twitter with memes and expressed their disappointment. 

Why Instagram is showing old posts in 2022

While there are some issues happening with Instagram, this isn’t one of them. In fact, the app has addressed this in the past.

The website for Instagram notes: “At times, you might see a post from a few days ago in your feed. This is to make sure you don’t miss a post from someone you follow or a suggested post.”

The change was brought in to ensure that a particular feed from your follower does not get lost from a large number of pictures that appear on your timeline.

How does Instagram determine the order of the posts?

Instagram takes account of several things when it is deciding what content should appear on your feed. The four reasons are listed below:

  1.     The likelihood that you’d be interested in the content: Instagram will look at the recent content that you have interacted with and on the basis choose the posts that should appear on your timeline.
  2.     Date the post was shared: If someone who you follow posts content recently then it will appear on your feed. However, at times, Instagram does show old posts to make sure you don’t miss out on anything important from the people you follow or people you might like.
  3.     Previous interactions with the person posting: If you have interacted with a person a lot, Instagram will make sure their content appears on your feed
  4.     Favorites: You can choose who you add as your favorites on the platform. Instagram will make sure you don’t miss any content from them. 


Users complain about other glitches

While the feed order is not a glitch, some users have been experiencing other problems with the app.

For instance, some users revealed they had been receiving a black mark when they tried to send a message to their friends. Meanwhile, others revealed that filters were not working on the app.

As of now, Instagram has not confirmed anything but it appears to be a glitch. 


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