Is FIFA 23 lagging, stuttering, or dropping FPS?
FIFA 23 was released on 30 September 2022 for all platforms.
It is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox and more.
On PC, you can download the game on EA, Origin or Steam.
However, the PC version of the game has a lot of negative reviews.
This is because there are several problems with the anti-cheat program in the game.
In this guide, you will learn why FIFA 23 is lagging and How to fix speed-up lagand stuttering in the game.
Why is FIFA 23 lagging?
FIFA 23 is lagging either because your graphics card is out of date Or your display configuration is too high.
An older graphics card will not be able to support the game, while a higher performance configuration will degrade game performance.
Many users are complaining that FIFA 23 is lagging and has FPS/frame drops.
“@EAHelp I have serious lag issues in FIFA 23 Division Rivals. Before every game, I have 6 to 10 pings, but as soon as the game starts, it lags. How can I do this? ? There’s never been a problem with my internet or connection with other games”.
“I’m not trying to be overly negative and critical, but the FIFA 23 launch is really the worst gameplay I’ve ever experienced. Terrible servers, abysmal passing, and unbearable speed-up lag. Just both teams consistently ball She loses and then shoots.”
“Anyone else battling some bad pace over the last few days at FIFA 23? It was fine from Monday to Wednesday and then after the storm, I’m lagging/gaining pace almost every game.”
FIFA 23 . How to fix lag and stutter?
To fix lag and stutter in FIFA 23, you need to update your graphics card Or reduce the display configuration of the game.
You can also try deleting temporary files or playing in windowed mode.
Many players are complaining of speed-up lag while playing the game on PC.
If you are using PC, try using ethernet cable Instead of Wi-Fi to fix the problem.
Otherwise, you will have to wait for the EA to apply the correction.
fix 1: Update your graphics card
fifa 23 stutter
to solve 2: Minimize FIFA 23 Display Configuration
fifa 23 teams
Launch FIFA 23 and open the in-game settings.
Select “Display Configuration”.
Turn off “Dynamic resolution scale”.
Turn off “strand based hair”.
Set “Rendering Quality” to “Medium/Low”.
Fix 3: Delete Temporary Files
Search %temp% using the Windows search bar.
Press CTRL + A on your keyboard.
Right-click on a file.
Select “Delete”.
Select “Yes”.
Fix 4: Play in Windowed Mode
Launch FIFA 23 and open the in-game settings.
Select “Display Configuration”.
Set “Display Mode” to “Window”.